
COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program

We have recognized the toll COVID-19 has taken on those who contracted the virus and understand our role in helping people recover from the illness. Many suffer from physical and emotional side-effects of the virus and/or hospitalization, including...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and our Communities

The safety and well-being of our patients and team members always comes first at COASTherapy and Empower Family of Clinics In light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, we are committed to following updates and keeping patients, team...

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Concussion: Causes, Signs, & Symptoms

A concussion is a term used for a head injury that causes a traumatic brain injury which results in a disturbance of brain function. Concussions can be caused by a direct blow to the head. They can also occur when...

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Foam Roller Benefits

Maybe you have been at the gym and asked yourself why someone would lay on top of a piece of curved foam? You would understand why if you try it for yourself! Foam rollers have become more and...

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Cup it up!

Have you heard of cupping therapy? It’s an ancient form of medicine that has came back into the sports medicine field as the newest trend! Cupping therapy can be found in one of the oldest medical textbooks in...

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